Local residents came together, creating an all-volunteer, grassroots group to prevent the construction of a waste-to-energy incineration facility in Lockport.

Citizens Against Ruining the Environment, or CARE, became a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit environmental organization on MM/DD/YYYY.

We are not second-class citizens.

Common sense tells us that clean air, clean water, clean soil, and clean food are essential for a happy, healthy life.

Yet, we must continually fight for these essentials because many corporations and officials place more importance on big money than on quality of life.

  • We shouldn’t have to live in an area that the EPA has declared as non-attainment because our air quality doesn’t meet the minimum national standards for ozone pollution.

    The incidence of asthma and other respiratory illnesses would decrease if we improved our air quality.

    Our local officials should place the clean air needs of the community above the needs of big industry.

  • Local water should be clean enough to safely consume the fish we catch.

    We shouldn’t have to pay for expensive testing to know if our public and private well water supplies are safe to drink.

    Our local officials should place the clean water needs of the community above the needs of big industry.

  • The continual use of pesticides and herbicides is degrading our soil and harming beneficial organisms and insects we depend on for our food production.

    It would be catastrophic if our government were to declare our local farmland too polluted to grow crops (as the government in China was compelled to do in 2013).

  • The food we consume should be thoroughly labeled so we know exactly what we are putting into our mouths.

    Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are harmful to living beings and the environment.

    Cruel and inhumane treatment of farm animals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


    We offer presentations, seminars, and other educational programs.


    We provide a forum for concerned citizens to share knowledge, common experiences, and problems.


    We promote the implementation of effective and comprehensive legal and financial tools to further the preservation, improvement, and revitalization of our environment.

At the Helm

Ellen Rendulich
Founding Director in 1995

Mary Burnitz
Founding Director in 1995

Sandy Burcenski
Founding Director in 1995

Carol Stark
Founding Director in 1995

Jenifer Garlitz
Director Since 2014

Our Major Partners

Greater Chicago Legal Clinic

Illinois EPA

Illinois Attorney General

Environmental Law & Policy Center

Sierra Club


Prairie Rivers Network

American Lung Association

Respiratory Health Association

Illinois PIRG

Environment Illinois

Illinois Environmental Council

Center for Biological Diversity

Joliet Junior College

University of St. Francis



1995 to 1999


Want a strong call-to-action right in your header? Check the Enable Nav Button tweak option to turn the last link in your main navigation into a button.

1995 - Present

There are several ways to use the Banner area at

In a Page, Blog List, Events List, Product List, or Album page, you can create a

2002 - Present

You can choose to show the title of the Folder or Product collection. If you don’t want to show the sidebars, you can choose to hide them entirely with a Style Editor option.

September 2003

Hayden’s Index allows you to stack multiple Pages on top of each other. Each Index Page will feature all the banner options available to other Pages in the site, including the Page Banner, Page Banner Slideshow, and Simple Image Banner options.


Header Background Color – Change the background color of the header bar at the top of the page.

Header Background Color – Change the background color of the header bar at the top of the page.


Header Background Color – Change the background color of the header bar at the top of the page.

Put in 3 more rows!



2000 to 2005


Nav Button Corner Style – Select between squared corners, rounded corners, or a "pill" shaped button.

Nav Button Color – Set the background color of the button (outline and text color if "outline" button style is selected).

Nav Button Font + Text Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and color of the navigation button.


2006 to 2010


Banner Button Corner Style – Select between squared corners, rounded corners, or a "pill" shaped button.

Banner Button Color – Set the background color of the button (outline and text color if "outline" button style is selected).

Banner Button Font + Color – Set the typeface, font properties, and colors of the banner button.


2011 to 2015


Page Meta Color – Set the color of meta text (blog authors, post dates, etc.)

Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Heading 1, Heading 2, and Heading 3.

Quote Font + Color – Set the typeface, fonts properties, and color of Quote Blocks.


2016 to 2020


Hide Page Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand folder navigation on pages in a folder.

Hide Products Sidebar – Don't display the left-hand category navigation in product list view.

Hide Sidebar Title – Don't display title in the sidebar.


Footer Nav Link (Active) – Set the color of the footer navigation links on hover.

Center Navigation / Info – Choose between left- and center-aligned footer navigation and site info.

Hide Site Info – Hide the site info in the footer.


Hide List Entry Footer – Don't display the footer (Comment + Like + Share) in blog list view.


Gallery Loop – Enable a gallery to cycle through to the first slide after the last slide.


Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address – Show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links – Show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.


Product Background Color – sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color – sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to


2021 to Present


Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.


Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.


Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.


Event List Date – Show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – Show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.