Handy Resources to Help You Help the Environment
Welcome to CARE
Coming soon.
PFAS for Consumers
Given all the talk (and confusion) about PFAS these days, CARE has prepared an introductory handout on the subject. Make sure to visit the EPA website link to see tangible steps for reducing possible exposure to PFAS during daily activities.
2022 Report: PFAS Health Advisories
Some community water supplies in Will County show PFAS levels that greatly exceed recently revised maximum U.S. EPA recommendations. We now know these virtually indestructible, odorless, and tasteless chemicals build up in the human body, and are linked to cancer and other health conditions.
The Illinois Ground Water Protection Act and PFAS
The Illinois EPA has submitted a new proposal to update the Illinois Ground Water Protection Act to include maximum contaminant level standards for certain PFAS, chemicals known to accumulate in the human body and the environment.
Recycling Difficult Materials
Here's your chance to keep some everyday materials and items out of the landfill. One of CARE’s dedicated environmentalists will help you launch them into the recycling/reuse stream. Contact information is included in the handout.
The American Lawn
Homes, golf courses, and parks may well grow more acres of turfgrass than the U.S. devotes to corn, soybeans, and fruit trees combined. Maybe it's time to try something a little different.
Living with Less Plastic
Coming soon.
Resin Identification Codes
Become familiar with the types of plastics in items most of us use every day. And perhaps be surprised by what's actually recyclable.
Online Private Well Class
This free online class is designed to help homeowners better understand how to properly care for their water well, ensuring their water remains safe to drink and helping to extend the life of the well.