Get Involved

  • Snap some pictures.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    This is a job for our future professional photographers and current photography buffs alike. CARE desperately needs high-quality, environmental or nature-related photos for use on their website, newsletters, flyers, and social media.

  • Submit a Latest News item for our website.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    Choose, research, and write about an environmental topic that is currently in the news, or is of particular interest to you.

    This is a chance to learn about the key environmental regulations passed by Congress in the 1970s. CARE depends on these to take legal action when necessary.

  • Write for CARE's blog on our website.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    Honor and celebrate the environment. Whether you express your views on a particular topic, recount a personal experience, offer up a new idea, or share knowledge to create community awareness, let your passion and creativity come through.

  • Collect environmental quotes for our website.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    We like to include quotes on the Home page of our website that inspire people to care about our natural environment and the future of the planet. Quotes can be obtained from anywhere – books, magazines, speeches – and from anyone, known or unknown.

  • Contribute content to CARE's Instagram account.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    It’s time to update our neglected Instagram account! If you like to work with photos and/or videos, this project is for you!

    Explore what’s new and trending in environmental issues and help us connect with more people in Will County to build grassroots influence.

  • Assist at a community event.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    CARE offers or participates regularly in community events, such as our own annual seed exchange, our presentations on environmental topics, and STEM Fest at Romeoville Library. Help with setup and field questions from event attendees.

  • Send an email campaign.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    Learn how to do an email outreach campaign to CARE's subscriber list.

    Write about a serious environmental issue that affects the health and well-being of Will County residents. Email campaigns are indispensable for keeping residents informed about proposed environmental regulations. Or choose a lighter topic that reminds us to stay in touch with nature.

  • Help prepare a community presentation.

    Ideal opportunity for school credit hours.

    Outreach is very important to a local grassroots nonprofit organization. Presentations on timely environmental topics are one of the tools CARE uses to connect with the Will County community. Our audiences are typically small and very friendly.

  • Organize a flyer or handout.

    CARE occasionally likes to distribute event details or pressing information about the environment in the form of a short flyer or handout. Although we post flyers and handouts on our website, we still depend on using printed materials to reach people who do not have easy access to a computer.

    You can use any software you want – if you have the patience, we can use your skills!

  • Update CARE's logo.

    To celebrate more than 25 years of environmental work, CARE would like to update their logo for use on their website, social media, letterhead, business cards, and merchandise for fundraising (t-shirts, reusable bags, water bottles, mugs, etc.).

  • ...Or bring an idea of your own!

    If you have something else in mind, especially if you are required to complete community service hours for credit, by all means bring your ideas to CARE’s attention. We want you to enjoy your time with us because we believe caring for the environment should be a lifelong commitment.