Earth Day

Tuesday | April 22, 2025

“On April 22, 1970, more than 20 million Americans participated in one of the largest grassroots community service movements in our history. Earth Day is now celebrated every year by almost 1 billion people worldwide.”

Although it originated in the United States, Earth Day is now observed around the world.

December 2, 1970, the USEPA is officially established.

“In 2025, we celebrate the 55th anniversary of Earth Day. To mark this milestone, we invite everyone to support Earth Day’s 2025 theme: OUR POWER, OUR PLANET™. Let’s unite in our collective global commitment to renewable energy, whether it’s solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal or tidal – to generate clean electricity for everyone.”

More information

  1. Milestones in EPA and Environmental History

  2. Earth Day: The Official Site

  3. Making Earth Day Every Day Infographic